MONTHLY SUMMARY OF CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA - PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA Portsmouth Weather Records Service Portsmouth, Virginia 23702-2017 (3 miles south/West Cradock Section) 12:00 PM EDT, Saturday, December 3, 1994 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monthly summary of Local Climatological Data for Portsmouth, Virginia, West Cradock Section, during the month of November, 1994. Time is EST. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- D HT DN LT DN MT DN HDD CDD PREC HB LB WD WS SC WXR TYPE/REMARKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 79 13 51 1 65.0 7 .03 977 943 WSW 38 PC MILD FROP RW-(AM) 2 65 -3 46 -5 55.5 -4 9.5 021 974 W 22 PC BREEZY COOLER 3 72 5 41 -6 56.5 -1 8.5 031 021 SW 9 SU F-(AM) 4 76 7 45 -3 60.5 2 4.5 030 019 SW 15 SU MILD 5 78 12 55 6 66.5 9 1.5 022 012 SW 18 -PC MILD 6 79 15 60 15 69.5 15 4.5 T 012 994 SW 27 PC RW- FROPA 7 67 4 44 1 55.5 2 9.5 042 005 N 24 SU COOLER 8 72 8 40 -3 56.0 3 9.0 040 007 SW 23 SU COOL (AM) 9 76 10 54 10 65.0 10 008 986 W 18 SU 10 63 -4 45 -2 54.0 -3 11.0 .21 029 982 N 28 PC R- FROPA 11 52 -10 39 -5 45.5 -7 19.5 042 027 NNE 23 SU COOL 12 60 2 37 -6 48.5 -2 16.5 045 034 NNE 13 SU COOL 13 69 9 39 -2 54.0 3 11.0 034 023 N 10 SU GF(AM) 14 71 9 44 3 57.5 6 7.5 034 027 NE 13 SU GF(AM) 15 73 9 47 2 60.0 6 5.0 028 017 SW 12 -PC F+(AM) H- 16 60 -3 51 6 55.5 2 9.5 1.36 020 006 NE 33 C F(AM) FROPA R WINDY 17 62 0 54 10 58.0 5 7.0 .74 006 994 NE 39 C R WINDY F L 18 64 1 59 16 61.5 9 3.5 1.00 997 982 NNE 22 C R-L F WINDY 19 65 3 47 5 56.0 4 9.0 028 997 N 26 -PC WINDY COOL 20 62 -1 46 2 54.0 0 11.0 040 027 NE 18 -PC BREEZY COOL 21 72 11 55 14 63.5 12 1.5 .33 031 981 S 27 PC RW DSNT LTG F FROPA 22 66 8 48 6 57.0 7 8.0 .01 024 985 N 25 -PC RW- F(AM) 23 53 -7 40 -2 46.5 -4 18.5 028 010 W 23 SU COOL 24 47 -13 35 -7 41.0 -10 24.0 043 021 N 25 SU FROP BREEZY COOL 25 58 0 35 -5 46.5 -3 18.5 027 016 SW 18 -PC CHILLY 26 54 -8 37 -4 45.5 -6 19.5 040 018 NE 19 PC COOL FROPA 27 60 -5 48 3 54.0 -1 11.0 .32 043 008 SSE 17 C R-F WARM FROPA 28 73 6 59 11 66.0 9 1.0 T 008 980 SW 28 C RW-F WINDY FROPA 29 59 -1 48 7 53.5 3 11.5 .05 022 002 SW 11 PC RW 30 55 0 39 2 47.0 1 18.0 .10 033 012 N 16 PC RW-F- FROPA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF NOVEMBER 1994: TEMPERATURE: Monthly mean: High = 65.4 Low = 46.3 Mean = 55.9 Departure < Normal: High = +2.4 Low = +2.5 Mean = +2.5 Degree Days: Heating = 282.0 Cooling = 7.0 Number of Days Using: Heating = 25 Cooling = 3 PRECIPITATION: Total month = 4.15" Normal month = 3.45" Departure < Normal = +0.70" or 121% Normal Average daily = 0.14" Normal daily = 0.11" Number of days with measurable precipitation = 10 Maximum for November = 6.22" in 1985 --> (Since Minimum for November = 1.18" in 1993 --> 1976) Number of days with 0.01" or more: 10 Snowfall Number of days with 0.10" or more: 7 November total = 0.00" Number of days with 0.50" or more: 3 November maximum = 1.80" in Number of days with 1.00" or more: 2 1987 DAILY EXTREMES: Low temperature = 35 on the 24th and 25th High temperature = 79 on the 1st and 6th Maximum daily precipitation = 1.36" on the 16th Maximum 24-hour rainfall = 2.10" on the 16th-17th Maximum wind gust = 39 mph from the NE on the 17th High barometer = 30.45" on the 12th Low barometer = 29.43" on the 1st Number of Days with thundershowers/ Days Cloudy: 5 storms: 0 Days Partly Cloudy: 14 Number of thundershowers/ Days Clear/Sunny: 11 storms: 0 Days with Fog/Ground fog: 12 Days with some type of snowfall: 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEARLY-TOTALS-TO-DATE Temperatures Degree Days Precipitation Mean maximum: 72.3 (+1.2) Heating: 2561.0 Aqueous: 44.70" (+0.80") Mean minimum: 52.6 (+0.2) Cooling: 1714.5 Maximum monthly: 10.96"/MAR. Mean monthly: 62.5 (+0.8) Minimum monthly: 1.23"/APR. Highest: 99, July 15th Snowfall: 8.00" Lowest: 5, January 19th Maximum daily: 2.00"/JAN.14 Days with maximum temperature >= 90: 48 Maximum monthly: 6.90"/JAN. Days with minimum temperature <= 32: 38 Days with some type of Days with temperature <= 0: 00 snowfall: 15 Days with measurable precipitation: 114 or 34% Number of Days with thundershowers/ Days Cloudy: 37 storms: 33 Days Partly Cloudy: 227 Number of thundershowers/ Days Clear/Sunny: 70 storms: 37 Days with fog/ground fog: 107 Greatest 24-hour period rainfall: 3.69"/March 1-2 Wind (Highest Recorded Wind Gust): Southwest 50 miles per hour, January 4th West 50 miles per hour, March 18th Barometer: Highest 30.80" on January 10th; Lowest: 29.12" on March 2nd ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DENOTATIONS (Weather/sky conditions) Intensity Markings A Hail GF Ground fog RW Rainshower Precipitation: AP Small hail GL Glaze S Snow - Light B Blowing H Haze SG Snow granules + Heavy C Cloudy IP Ice pellets SP Snow pellets Sky Condition: CL Clear K Smoke SU Sunny -Thin or Partial D Dust L Drizzle TRW Thundershower Departures from F Fog LTG Lightning T Thunderstorm Norms: FR Frost PC Partly Cloudy X Obscurred Sky - below; + above R Rain Y Spray ZL Freezing drizzle ZR Freezing rain ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER DENOTATIONS: NA, not available; NR, not recorded; TEMP, temperature; MAX, maximum; MIN, minimum; T, trace of precipitation; INOP, inopera- tive equipment; MPH, miles per hour; DN, departure from normal; YR, year; NORM, normal; DSNT LTG, distant lightning; FROP or FROPA, frontal passage; AM morning; PM afternoon hours; EVE evening hours; E estimated; VBL, variable wind directions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLUMN DENOTATIONS: D Date PREC Precipitation HT High Temperature WS Maximum Wind Speed (Gust) LT Low Temperature WD Direction of Maximum Wind Gust MT Mean Temperature HB High Barometer Reading (Inches) DN Departure from Normal of High, LB Low Barometer Reading (Inches) Low or Mean Temperature SC Dominant Daily Sky Cover HDD Heating Degree Days WXR TYPES Observed Weather Conditions CDD Cooling Degree Days and Remarks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: All temperatures are in degrees fahrenheit. All precipitation mea- surements are in inches. All wind speeds are in miles per hour. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------