The Virginia Camellia Society Fall Show and Plant Sale was held on November 4, 2006 at the Norfolk Botanical Garden.218 blooms were entered but we usually have twice that many; for some reason this year most of what was jibbed for early blooming, bloomed after the show. See details of Jibbing under education. The bloom season for camellias is September through May (winter bloom season).
November 4th Fall Show:218 blooms, 3 ACS new memberships (1 Joint, 2 Single)
Outstanding Bloom Awards, Head Table: C. Japonica (in open):
Large - Melinda Hackett, Exhibitor, Winston Gouldin.
Medium - Helen Beach, Exhibitor, Bob Black.
Small - Kiko-Toji, Exhibitor, Bob Black.
Miniature - Fir Cone, Exhibitor, Jimmy Henkel.
C. Hybrid (In-open): Taylor Made, Exhibitor, James Henkel.
C. sasanqua: William Lanier Hunt, Exhibitor, Art Macdougall.
Best White Bloom: Marie Kirk, Exhibitor, Sandra Godwin.
Best Bloom by Novice: Lady Clare, Toni McKenna.
Gold Certificate Sweepstakes (most Blue entries), Winston Gouldin.
Silver Certificate Sweepstakes (runer-up to gold), James Henkel.
Provisional Commended Seedling Certificate: C. sasanqua won by Winston Gouldin for El Gouldin.
Tray of Three -- Winston Gouldin.
Tray of Five -- Eric Hillerman.
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The Virginia Camellia Society © 2003 - present