Upcoming VCS Events
Camellia Pruning Workshop
Saturday, February 3, 2024, 12:00 NOON - 2:00 PM
Redwing Park, 1398 General Booth Blvd.,
Virginia Beach, VA
Camellia Pruning Workshop
Saturday, February 17, 2024, 12:00 Noon - 3:00 PM
Chesapeake Arboretum, 624 Oak Grove Rd., Chesapeake, VA
Spring Camellia Show & Plant Sale
Saturday, March 9, 2024
Norfolk Botanical Garden
6700 Azalea Garden Rd., Norfolk, VA
Baker Hall
Plant Sale
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Camellia Show open to public 12:00 Noon - 4:00 PM.
Exhibitors may bring in blooms between 7:30 AM - 10:00 AM. Novice and experienced growers
are encouraged to enter blooms for the show.
Camellia Judging begins at 10:30 AM
1. Rules and regulations governing procedures and Judging of American Camellia Society cooperative Shows (revised 2007) are effective for the Annual Camellia Show presented by the Virginia Camellia Society.
2. Unprotected/Protected defined:
Unprotected blooms are defined as those grown in natural surroundings without any MAN-MADE protecttion from the elements of nature.
3. Seedlings may be entered and judged in accordance with Paragraph #1 above.
4. Blooms must be entered on exhibition cards as follows:
Class A (protected and unprotected) - White cards
Seedlings/Mutants - Pink cards
Reticulata (includes hurbrids with Reticulata parentage) - Yellow cards
Hybrids with other than Reticulata parentage - Blue cards
Sasanqua and other species - Buff cards
5. Entries will be accepted on the show date posted on our calendar subpage All blooms must be on the tables not later than 10:30 a.m. Judging begins promptly at 11:00 am.
6. All entries must be delivered to Norfolk Botanical Garden.
7. Any interested grower may exhibit under Horticultural Classes, and blooms so exhibited must be from plants that have been owned by the exhibitor and in his possession for at least thirty (30) days.
8. It is recommended that Horticultural Class specimens have at least two (2) leaves and two or three (2-3) inches of stem attached. Wiring of bloom to wood of parent plant is permissable. A maximum of three blooms (3) per cultivar are permitted.
9. Each entry in the Horticultural Classes must be accompanied by a standard entry card (provided by the Society), properly filled-in to provide variety name and other information. It is urged that such cards be completed prior to arrival at show. Use pencil. DO NOT USE INK OR BALL-POINT.
10. Blooms grown by selected large growers may be classified and placed by exhibitors, provided they are arranged alphabetically before they enter the exhibition room. All other entries must be approved by a Classification Committee and placed by show personnel.
11. The show Committee is not responsible for damage to exhibit or loss of blooms or other property and reserves the right to reject or discard any exhibits that it considers unsuitable.
12. To prevent the spread of disease, all horticultural exhibits will be destroyed at the close of the show.
CLASS A - Unprotected/Protected (white cards) (japonica)
CLASS D - Reticulata & hybrids with reticulata parentage
CLASS E - Hybrid
CLASS F - Seedlings & mutants
CLASS G - Sasanqua
In all classes, not more than one (1) Blue, Red and Yellow Award will be given in each variety.
The size of chemically treated miniatures which exceed 2.5 inches should be consdidered a deficiency.
Special Rules - Novice Division
Novice division exhibitors must follow all the general rules plus the following special rules for the Novice Division.
1. The Novice Class is open to exhibitors who have 25 or less plants and/or have not won an award at the head table at any Camellia Show.
2. Special entry cards will be marked "N" (novice) and be obtained from the show chairman.
3. There will be no separation between blooms grown outside or inside.
4. There will be no separation in species.
Horticultural Section
CLASS A (Protected or unprotected)
Best in Show - Large
Best in Show - Medium
Best in Show - Small
Best tray of three (same variety)
Best tray of five (different variety)
CLASS D (Reticulata & hybrids with reticulata parentage)
Best in ShowCLASS E (Hybrid)
Best in showCLASS F (Seedlings & Mutants)
Best in Show - Large
Best in Show - Medium
Best in Show - Small
Best in Show - MiniatureCLASS G (Sasanqua)
Gold Certificate - first place
Silver Certificate - runner-upBEST IN SHOW - White
BEST IN SHOW - Miniature
BEST IN SHOW - Novice - (white cards) Please mark, entry cards with an "N".HONOR COURT
The Honor Court will consist of the blooms in final competition.
American Camellia Society - Outstanding Bloom Certificates may be awarded to blooms receiving a majority vote of all judges eligible to vote.
Highly Commended Seedling Certificates - ACS provisional Highly Commended Seedling certificates will be awarded to seedlings blooms when, in the opinion of three-fourts (3/4) of the qualified Accredited Judges present, they are deserving of such awards.
For answers to questions, email us at info@vacamelliasociety.org.
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The Virginia Camellia Society � 2004 - Present