   Weather Records
    Portsmouth, Virginia

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NWS Porstmouth, Virginia Forecast

  SPC Latest Regional Station Data Plot

NWS Wakefield Area Forecast Discussion

Notice: Please use the information found within the PWRS pages for your enjoyment. DO NOT use the information as your basis for life or death information. In the United States, your local National Weather Service Office is where you should obtain your important severe weather information.

Astronomical Data
US NAVAL OBSERVATORY: Sunrise & Sunset Calculator & Astronomical Applications for Your Area

US NAVAL OBSERVATORY: Sunrise & Sunset Table for Portsmouth, Virginia
Conversion Calculators
St. Louis, MO NWS OFfice - Weather Calculators
Washington Post Weather Calculators
Forecast Sources
Marine Products
Model Output         The University of Albany
        COLA: Weather and Climate Data
        GEM - Global Environmental Multiscale Model
        NCAR Real-time Weather Data
        NWS Climate Prediction Center
        NEXLAB - College of Dupage MODELS
        NWS Model Analyses & Forecasts
        Pivotal Weather Computer Models
        Tropical Tidbits Numerical Model Prediction
        The Ohio State University Scarlet & Gray Forecasting Team
        USNavy NOGAPS Model
        NWS WAKEFIELD (AKQ) Weather Briefing Page
Radars         National, Virginia, Local
Satellite Images
USN National Research Laboratory - Monterey, CA: CONUS Imagery
        Water Vapor - College of DuPage NEXLAB Satellite & Radar
        GOES Image Viewer
Synoptic Discussions

        NWS AKQ - Wakefield, Virginia
        NWS LWX - Sterling, Virginia
        NWS RNK - Blacksburg, Virginia
        NWS MHX - Newport/Morehead, North Carolina

       HPC/CPC Text Products:
       Short Range Public Forecast Discussion - 12-48 Hours
       Extended Forecast Discussion - 3-6 Days
       Prognostic Discussion - 6 to 10-Day Outlook
       Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF) Discussion
       Excessive Rainfall Discussion
       Heavy Snow Discussion
       Caribbean Narrative

       Dave Tolleris' WxRisk.com at Facebook
Severe Weather
        NWS Special Statements - Portsmouth Specific

        SPC Convective Activity/Outlook

       Local Storm Reports - Interactive - Weather Prediction Center

        Interactive United States Watches & Warnings Weather Underground

        Current Weather Watches/Warnings/Advisories|SPC
        Current Convective Watches/Warnings Boxes|SPC

Tropical Products         Tropical Updates, Forecasts, Links
Weather Service Offices         NWS Blacksburg, VA
        NWS Wakefield, VA
        NWS Sterling/Washington/Baltimore

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